Saturday 14 May 2016 -
20:30 to 21:30
Main Stage, Sofia Theatre

This year the extraordinary Frank Burnett is returning in full force! As always, he comes with a refreshing dose of laughter, sufficient quantities of science and a pinch of chaos. Frank invites us to a slightly messy world (just like the one we live in). If we give it a thought, chaos is all around us! It stands behind market fluctuations, inaccurate weather forecasts, traffic jams even (could we blame the flying butterflies for it?). If you have recently been in a casino you will know that there is chaos in gambling too. Join Prof. Frank Burnet and his crew at the Chaos Casino on a journey that won’t make you rich, but will make you cleverer! 

Known to all as the funny and charismatic Scotsman, Frank is the first professor of Science Communication in the UK and a founding member of the Cheltenham Festival. He graduated Biochemistry from the University of St. Andrews and in 1996 founded the Department of Communication Science at the University of the West of England.

Frank Burnett is well-known to the Bulgarian audience from his previous participations in the Sofia Science Festival – with Science Bar in 2011 and the scientific show Meet Your Brain in 2014.

In English, interpretation to Bulgarian provided

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Sofia Science Festival