Diseases will not give up or disappear. Luckily, neither will science nor researchers. Just as they didn’t in the 1980s when the needle and the syringe were the only known way of injecting insulin, or in the 1990s when HIV meant a death penalty, or in the 2000s when destroying the cancer cells also affected the healthy cells.
Researchers did not stop there. And they won’t stop now. So, what is next in medicine? What would it mean to slow down the beginning of Alzheimer’s disease? Could antibodies slow down our resistance to antibiotics and help overcome bacterial infections? What cell therapies would it take to avoid having to have aggressive chemotherapy ever again? And is there potential for gene therapy to reduce the toll of lifelong treatment?
Biologists Alexandrina Al-Jassem, Dr. Petar Evtimov, Alexander Atemin and medical doctor Aleksey Mitev, all finalists of FameLab, will talk about expected massive breakthroughs in all four therapeutic areas, and remind us that behind every discovery there are stories of passion, dedication and commitment of scientists, research teams and organisations.
In partnership with the Association of Research-based Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in Bulgaria (ARPharM).