
Lea Hartl 

Sunday 16 May 2021 -
16:30 to 17:30
live online at DNA hall | general audience | free passes

Some indicators of climate change, for example long-term global temperature trends, can be accurately measured but are difficult to see or feel. In contrast, glaciers are intuitive indicators of climate change and they make it easy to grasp the fundamental connection between glaciological and climatic changes. Since the 19th century glaciers have influenced our understanding of the climate system and served as a large-scale natural thermometer, as well as a source of fascination for scientists and mountaineers alike. 

Lea Hartl, scientist at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences, gives an overview of current glacier recession in the Alps and places recent developments in a historical context, discussing how our perception of glaciers as sentinels of climate change has shifted during the past century. Lea Hartl researches cryosphere-climate interactions in mountain environments.

In English, interpretation to Bulgarian provided.

The event will be broadcast live online only in front of the audience at Sofia Tech Park.

Dedicated to the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference.

In partnership with Austrian Embassy Sofia.

Due to the epidemic situation, changes in the programme may occur – both in the dates and times of the events and in the mode of delivery (digital or live). Please follow the festival page for the latest information.

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