
Katalin Bajer-Molnár 

Sunday 16 May 2021 -
12:00 to 13:00
live online at DNA hall | general audience | free passes

Epidemics have been a persistent threat to humanity throughout our history. From the earliest plagues to the most recent COVID-19, they all emerge unexpectedly and ask a hefty price from society. We are used to battling them and scrambling for solutions, but there is something we are not seeing. Is there no way to predict epidemics? Would it be possible to find them before they find us? What are we yet to learn from our history and what does disease evolution teach us? Join Dr. Orsolya Bajer-Molnár’s talk to see how COVID19 is only one of many, and find out how we could make the many a lot less.

Orsolya Bajer-Molnár is an evolutionary biologist at the Konrad Lorenz Institute in Vienna. She studied the physiological effects of climate change at Dartmouth College, US and then parasite evolution in Brazil. Science communication has played a central role to Orsolya’s life, especially on establishing collaboration between scientists and stakeholders in an effort to prevent future outbreaks. She gives TEDx talks, is a frequent guest in the media and was a finalist in FameLab Hungary 2018.

In English, interpretation to Bulgarian provided.

The event will be broadcast live online only in front of the audience at Sofia Tech Park..
In partnership with Hungarian Cultural Institute.

Due to the epidemic situation, changes in the programme may occur – both in the dates and times of the events and in the mode of delivery (digital or live). Please follow the festival page for the latest information.

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