
Stuart Clarke 

Saturday 15 May 2021 -
20:00 to 21:00
live online at Cosmos hall in partnership with A1 | general audience | ticketed event

Jane Goodall is Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and a UN Messenger of Peace. She has spent a lifetime in environmental, animal welfare and humanitarian work and is widely known for her on-going study of the wild chimpanzees of Gombe in Tanzania. 

As a little girl she dreamt about Africa and living and studying wild animals. She never gave up on her dream and thanks to the help and support of her extraordinary mother, Jane’s dream not only became a reality, but has inspired millions of young people all over the world to pursue their dreams too, through her global humanitarian and environmental programme Roots & Shoots.

Join Dr. Jane Goodall at the Sofia Science Festival and learn more about her early years in Gombe; the challenges she faced; the amazing chimpanzees and why we must protect our closest animal relative; the damage that humans have inflicted on our Planet and how we can all play a part in its restoration and preservation going forward; the humanitarian and environmental programme Roots & Shoots, and why young people all around the world give her hope for the future of this planet.

If you want to change people’s minds you have first to change their hearts.” – Jane Goodall

More about Dr. Jane Goodall, OBE

Dr. Jane Goodall DBE is an ethologist and environmentalist, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and a United Nations Messenger of Peace. In July 1960, at the age of 26, she travelled from England to what is now Tanzania and ventured into the little-known world of the wild chimpanzees living in Gombe.

Equipped with a notebook, binoculars and a fascination with wildlife, Dr. Goodall braved a realm of unknowns to give the world a remarkable window into humankind’s closest living relatives. Through 60 years of ground-breaking work, she has not only shown us the urgent need to protect chimpanzees from extinction; she has also redefined species conservation to include the needs of local people and the environment. 

Today there are 25 Jane Goodall Institutes working to support JGI’s core programmes including TACARE a community conservation programme, two sanctuaries for orphan chimpanzees and Roots & Shoots, JGI’s environmental and humanitarian programme empowering young people to become involved in hands-on projects for their community, animals and the environment in more than 65 countries. 

In English, interpretation to Bulgarian provided.

The event will be broadcast live online only in front of the audience at Sofia Tech Park.

Dedicated to the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference.

Due to the epidemic situation, changes in the programme may occur – both in the dates and times of the events and in the mode of delivery (digital or live). Please follow the festival page for the latest information.

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