
Dr. Javier Cristobo, personal archive

Sunday 16 May 2021 -
13:30 to 14:30
DNA hall | general audience | ticketed event

Scuba diving is a very important tool for research work, which allows us to access marine samples that may be needed for experimentation carried out in Antarctica. Through diving we obtain first-hand information and a better understanding of the functioning of the ecosystems. In polar waters however, where the temperature can drop to -1.8ºC, the precautions for diving must be extreme, with more demanding safety measures and thorough preparation.

Join Dr. Javier Cristobo who will talk about the equipment, techniques and difficulties involved in research work and the experience of 130 dives. There will also be some impressive underwater photography and videos. Javier Cristobo is European PhD in Marine Biology who has published over 110 scientific articles, books and research work.

In English, interpretation to Bulgarian provided.

Dedicated to the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference.

In partnership with APECS.

Due to the epidemic situation, changes in the programme may occur – both in the dates and times of the events and in the mode of delivery (digital or live). Please follow the festival page for the latest information.

Sofia Science Festival

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Sofia Science Festival